MakThis: The No-Design Manifesto
Design is just as much a barrier as Code. Empowerment requires easy access to both.
Hello Everyone
On a Clubhouse discussion on the No-Code movement, the speaker, a very knowledgeable woman in the domain said two things that struck me;
No-Code is about access: It clears no just a technical barrier, but also removes a resource barrier for the underprivileged. There may be thousands out there who have the necessary bona fides to create the next big thing, but lack the time or capital resources to achieve it. It empowers users.
No-Code does not mean no work: As I heard the speaker advise other entrepreneurs on which tool is best for them, there was always a caveat; there will be a learning curve. You will still need to understand data models to connect your existing assets to your mobile
While No-code removes one barrier, it creates another one; you are now somehow required to understand design. Like coding, design is a discipline. Just like having access to a power saw does not make you a carpenter, having access to easy-to-use design tool does not make you a designer. You either have to spend the time to learn app design, or hire a good designer. It is the same resource barrier, but with a different name.
No-Code AND No-Design
There are millions of Shopify and BigCommerce stores that allow you to publish an ecommerce store without ever knowing what a database is. They don't know if the database is PostGres or NoDB or any other portmanteau. They provide templates that are customizable but most businesses just enter their assets and run with it.
Why can't we do that with apps? Why are No-Code services assuming we are all Dieter Rams. We should be developing services that are easy for not just the Warby Parker(or some other D2C brand in New York or Bay Area), intern familiar with all the latest design trends. These services need to be just as easy for the Etsy seller from Ohio looking to expand her sale, a retired government worker from Nigeria looking to be busy, and anybody. That would be true empowerment.
Launching MakThis
This is why I am launching MakThis. A one-click, no-design, no-maintenance service to create an ecommerce retail mobile app, both for iOS and Android. We will make this the era of empowerment. We will eventually offer web and desktop offerings as well. Our mobile apps will be fast to create, for an affordable monthly fee, and really, really good. It will be challenging, but I am sure it is achievable. While I work on it, I need to push forward the NoDesign movement further!
I am offering a Free Android or iOS app for the first 10 business that have a Shopify or BigCommerce site to signup here. The qualifying stores will also get a discount on the monthly service when we launch.